Tiny Rebel Collaboration

The brewing community are a collaborative bunch and love to work together to celebrate brewing innovation, share knowledge and ideas.

We were recently invited to collaborate with with Tiny Rebel Brewing co. based in Wales. Dan Gooderham, our lead brewer made the trip across country to go visit their brewery and develop their new brew R.E.S.T.E.C.P. A juicy cask IPA at 4.8%.

Not only did we go to make a great brew with them, but Dan also talked with them about our award-winning, energy efficient distribution centre. Built over 11 years ago and still cutting-edge today, our grass topped roof building that collects rainwater to wash our lorries and flush our loos, built from sustainable materials such as Glulam beams and lime and hemp walls that help regulate temperature so no need for refrigeration units to keep the beer cool can still claim to be one of the most energy-efficient buildings in the country. As a value-led business we believe in doing the right thing and sharing that will our peers so they can benefit from our knowledge and learnings to also work towards becoming sustainable businesses for the future.